Try the new SkillsEngine

Skills data APIs for work & learning

Build the power of SkillsEngine into your applications and services.

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Available now in beta.

SkillsEngine API access is included with every paid subscription plan — we offer add-on API packages for Team and Enterprise accounts that need more volume.


LLMs.txt is a new standard emerging for providing system documentation that is formatted specifically for AI to use. Download the file below to for our API docs in markdown format.

Skills Analytics APIs for Work and Learning

We offer a variety of API endpoints designed to give developers the power to integrate SkillsEngine data and functionality directly into their applications. This includes the ability to convert unstructured text into structured skills profiles, search our skills library (taxonomy), and interact with custom skill profiles in your organization's account.

Current API Endpoints:

  • Translate - Convert unstructured text documents into rich, structured skill profiles for jobs, curriculum, credentials, and people
  • Search skills - Find individual work activities, knowledges, soft (durable) skills, and tools/technologies based on a search query
  • Search skill sets - Find skill sets and their underlying skills based on a search query
  • Search job profile templates - Find job skill profiles templates and their underlying skill sets and skills based on a search query
  • Get skills from a job profile - Get the contents and metadata associated with an individual skill profile based on a profile ID
  • Get custom skill profiles from organization - Get a list of the profiles currently in your organization's account

See the documentation →

Are you a developer building skills data into your products?

We suggest our Team plan for startups and developers building skills data into their applications and services. Our Team plan includes multiple package options for API volume tiers allowing you to scale up as needed.

API access is included with every paid account. You can also try out the APIs during the 30 day free trial offered with each new registration.

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Bridge the gaps between work & learning

Workforce analytics and labor market alignment for work and learning communities.

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