Better Team Workflows: Advanced Profile Permissions and Organization Roles Updates

Unlock new powers with SkillsEngine’s latest updates: enhanced profile permissions, new organization roles, dynamic Discover Skills section, and a crucial subscription flow fix. Streamline your experience and manage skills more efficiently.

Better Team Workflows: Advanced Profile Permissions and Organization Roles Updates

We’re happy to share the latest updates to the SkillsEngine platform. This release includes enhanced profile permissions, improvements to the Profile Page, new organization roles, and a crucial bug fix to our subscription flow. These updates aim to streamline your experience and provide more robust tools for managing your skills and profiles.

Profile Permissions:

Profile permissions have been updated to integrate with our new role-based system, providing a clearer and more intuitive experience.

  • We’ve introduced three new roles for profile management:
    • Editor: Can edit all content on the profile.
    • Collaborator: Can edit limited content on the profile.
    • Viewer: Can only view content on the profile.
  • Users can now choose the type of permission they are granting from within the share modal both from the profiles list and from within any profile.
  • A new Permissions Page allows you to manage and remove external users (users outside your organization), giving you greater control over profile access.

Updates to the Profile Page:

  • We've changed the Related Skill Sets section to a new Discover Skills section that allows users to dive even deeper into related content.
  • We've temporarily removed the Related Profiles section but it will be returning soon, new and improved. Stay tuned.
  • Skill suggestions within skill sets have been enhanced, making it easier for users to quickly add missing skills to an existing skill set.

Organization Roles

  • When downgrading an organization member to guest, you can now select who will take over their assets ensuring continuity and proper asset management.

Bug Fixes:

  • We’ve resolved an issue with our subscription flow. Stripe is now reconnected and fully operational, ensuring a smooth and seamless subscription process.