Building Skill Profiles

Building Skill Profiles

On SkillsEngine you can effortlessly create comprehensive skill profiles tailored to your unique needs. Follow this simple guide to start building skill profiles today.

Step 1: Choose Your Starting Point

You can begin creating your skill profile using one of the following methods:

Search a term, phrase or occupation and browse through a list of related template profiles and skill sets. You can then add any of them to your cart and use them to create your own profile.

Screenshot of the homepage with a red box around the search bar which is populated with the term "software".

To learn more about customizing your profile, see: Editing a Skill Profile

2. Translate

Enter a title and then paste in any unstructured text you want to convert into skills. This text can be from a job posting, a LinkedIn profile, a resume, a course description, or anything else you want to use as a basis for the profile. To learn more about the translate tool, see: Translate Text to Skills.

Screenshot of the translate tab in the homepage. Here you can enter a profile name with a body of text for the system to analyze.

For job posts and curriculum , SkillsEngine uses AI to generate a custom skill profile using our extensive library. Once the profile has been generated, you can select and deselect skills before saving the profile to your account.

Screenshot of a page after you click on the "translate" button showing job title options and suggested skill sets you can pick from.

NOTE: This feature is experimental. We're eager to gather your feedback and observations as you use this new tool. Your input is invaluable in helping us refine and enhance this feature for a seamless experience.

For all other text sources, the system will offer the three (3) closest existing profile matches from within our extensive skill library. Select one or more of these suggestions and hit next to start building your profile.

Screenshot for a translate result for a Pastry Chef course description showing the top three closest matching profiles for a user to pick from.

3. Start from Scratch

Simply click “Create” next to the search bar in the navigation and get started building your own profile.

Screenshot of top navigation bar with a red box showing where to click to create a new profile from scratch.

You can then use the related skill sets search to add skill sets to your profile.