Credential Providers & Standards Associations

Data-Driven Credentialing

Refine and validate your credentials with up-to-date, industry-aligned skills data to maintain relevance and authority.

  • Standards Development: Employ our skills data to develop and update standards and credentials that are aligned with current and emerging industry requirements.
  • Credential Validation: Enhance the relevance and recognition of your credentials by ensuring they reflect the skills that are most in demand.
  • Interoperability of Credentials: Develop interoperable credentials that have the skills data to be effectively utilized across different industries and countries.
  • Market Adaptability: Enhance the adaptability of credentials to rapidly changing industry requirements, ensuring ongoing relevance and value in the certification process.

Useful Tools

  • Translate text to skills

    Convert job posts, resumes, credentials, and more into rich skills profiles using our AI-driven translation tool.

  • Build & customize profiles

    Create rich and rigorous data profiles representing the skills learned and verified by your credentials.

  • Share & Collaborate

    Share and co-edit profiles with partners, collaborators, and subject matter experts.

  • Feedback & Validate

    Survey subject matter experts to get feedback and validation of skill requirements at scale.

Build with the power of SkillsEngine

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