Elevate Your SkillsEngine Experience with New Insights and Improved Features
Discover our new Insights Tab for high-level profile summaries and detailed skill analysis, enhanced AI translation features including credential and resume support, and streamlined user invitations. Plus, enjoy improved homepage navigation and backend fixes.

We're rolling out more updates to the SkillsEngine platform. This release features the new Insights Tab, updates to the Translate feature, and more. These enhancements are designed to provide a more intuitive and efficient user experience.
Introducing the Insights Tab:
We’ve added a new Insights Tab to profiles providing high level summaries and insights based on the detailed skills in a profile. This tab currently contains the following two sections:
- Skill Type Breakdown: This section displays a visual breakdown of your profile composition by different skill types.
- Top Skills by Type: This section highlights the top skills by type, determined by their frequency and criticality, giving you a quick overview of the most important skills in your profile.
We plan to continue adding additional sections to this tab over time, enhancing the insights you can gain from your profiles.
Updates to Translate:
- We’ve added credentials and resumes to the AI translation flow. You can now input either of these types of documents and generate a custom profile.
- There’s no longer a need to input a title when you first paste in text. You can now type in your custom title after the profile is created.
Updates to Inviting Users to an Organization:
- When inviting users to an organization, you will now generate a single-use invite link.
- Single-Use: Each invite link is valid for only one user. Do not share the same link with multiple users.
- Expiration: Each link expires after seven days.
- To invite multiple users, generate a unique invite link for each person.
Homepage Update:
- We’ve switched the order of the Search and Translate tabs on the homepage so Translate is now the primary tab.
Backend Redirect Fixes:
- We made a number of backend adjustments to fix some redirect issues on the platform.