Government Agencies

Empower Skills-Based Development

Drive effective workforce development with data-driven insights and tools for policy making and program implementation.

  • Workforce Development: Engage with our platform to develop policies and programs that effectively address skills gaps and prepare the workforce for future job markets.
  • Policy Analysis: Utilize our detailed skills data for research and analysis to inform and shape effective labor market policies and initiatives.
  • Skill Trend Analysis: Use our platform to track and analyze emerging skill trends, enabling proactive adjustments to workforce development initiatives and education funding priorities.

Useful Tools

  • Search & browse the library

    Explore and use SkillsEngine’s expertly curated library of thousands of job profiles, skill sets, and skills.

  • Start with template profiles & skill sets

    Use SkillsEngine’s template profiles and skill sets as a starting point for building your own profiles.

  • Share & Collaborate

    Work seamlessly with partners and collaborators as a co-editor and contributor on their profiles.

  • Community Insights

    Access insights from across the SkillsEngine community and from ongoing expert curation of the skills data library.

Build with the power of SkillsEngine

Get started for free today and upgrade for advanced features and services.

See plans & pricing

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