Featured in EdSurge: Inventing a Job-Skills Machine

SkillsEngine, a free AI-powered tool, enables the creation of skill-based credentials by providing a library of over 20,000 job skills. Featured in EdSurge, SkillsEngine has the potential to transform hiring, job seeking, and education for a skills-based future.

Featured in EdSurge: Inventing a Job-Skills Machine

We're excited to share that SkillsEngine was recently featured in an in-depth article by Rebecca Koenig in EdSurge. The piece, titled "Inventing a Job-Skills Machine", explores how our free tool makes it easy to design credentials around job skills by providing a comprehensive digital library of over 20,000 skills needed for jobs across industries.

Koenig interviewed our own Michael Bettersworth, who explained how SkillsEngine uses AI to translate job descriptions into skills, enables the creation of skill-based credentials, and has the potential to transform hiring, job seeking, and education. The article thoughtfully considers the implications and possibilities of a "job-skills machine" like ours. We encourage you to read the full piece to learn more about SkillsEngine and the skills-based future we envision.

You’re wasting a person’s time, precious time, money, their hope, in taking a curriculum that may have been relevant 10 years ago but isn’t today.
—Michael Bettersworth, SkillsEngine Founder

Read the Article:

Inventing a Job-Skills Machine - EdSurge News
A free tool makes it easy to design credentials around job skills. Are colleges ready?
