Powerful New Features: High Variance Flags, AI Translate Enhancements, and Streamlined Skill Management

Discover the latest SkillsEngine updates, including High Variance flags on the feedback tab, a faster AI Translate Tool supporting course curriculums, a powerful new Edit Mode, and other enhancements designed to improve your workflow and overall platform experience.

Powerful New Features: High Variance Flags, AI Translate Enhancements, and Streamlined Skill Management

We're excited to share the latest updates to the SkillsEngine platform. This release includes new High Variance flags on the feedback tab, improvements to our AI-Powered Translate Tool, a powerful new Edit Mode for managing skills, and several other enhancements and bug fixes designed to enhance your overall experience.

Please Note: Our AI-powered tools may experience some downtime immediately following this release as we work to optimize their performance.

High Variance Flags on Feedback Tab:

  • Added a “High Variance” flag when there is a high degree of variation across reviews on a skill. Note: This only appears when there are 4 or more reviews on a skill.
  • Added a new purple flag that shows if a skill set contains skills with high variance.
  • Updated the Feedback Session CSV download. It now contains the following two separate CSVs:
  1. Reviewer information including user IDs for the session.
  2. The skill ratings given by each reviewer (by user ID) and the variance score of the skills.Note: The variance score is rounded to two decimal places.

Updates to our AI-Powered Translate Tool

We’ve made some big improvements to our Translate tool. This update brings:

  • Increased Speed: The Translate tool is now faster, allowing for a more efficient workflow.
  • Expanded Functionality: The AI translation flow now supports course curriculum in addition to job postings. This enhancement broadens the scope of documents you can use with our AI tool.

Important Note on the AI Translate Tool

This feature is experimental. We're eager to gather your feedback and observations as you use this new tool. Your input is invaluable in helping us refine and enhance this feature for a seamless experience.

New Edit Mode for Skill Sets:

We're excited to introduce a powerful new Edit Mode for the skill set view on profiles:

  • Easily select and delete multiple skills or skill sets simultaneously.
  • Simplified bulk actions, making it quicker and easier to keep skills and skill sets up-to-date.
  • Note: The new edit mode currently does not support filtering.

Organization Roles:

  • Expanded our role system within organizations, now offering four distinct roles: Administrator, Manager, Member, and Guest.
  • Updated the organization management page to make editing or removing organization member roles easier.

Profile Permissions:

  • Updated profile permissions backend to work with new role based system

Skill Sets Page:

  • Redesigned the table on template skill set pages to align with the UI of other skill tables.

Bug Fixes:

  • The copy button on the skills profile view page is now fully functional.
  • The skill count correctly updates after adding a skill to a skill set.