Featured in EdSurge: What If We Measured Learning Through Skills Gained, Not Time Spent in the Classroom?

SkillsEngine CEO Michael Bettersworth shares insights on competency-based education in EdSurge article discussing the shift to measuring learning through skills. The piece highlights challenges and potential of the skills-based approach as Carnegie Foundation and ETS develop new assessment tools.

Featured in EdSurge: What If We Measured Learning Through Skills Gained, Not Time Spent in the Classroom?

We're excited to be mentioned in another thought-provoking article by Rebecca Koenig in EdSurge, this time focusing on the shift from measuring learning through "seat time" to skills gained. The piece, "What If We Measured Learning Through Skills Gained, Not Time Spent in the Classroom?", discusses the Carnegie Foundation's plans to work with ETS to create new competency-based education assessment tools.

The article features insights from our own Michael Bettersworth on Texas State Technical College's experience transitioning to a skills-based model. Bettersworth shares some of the challenges involved in this shift and emphasizes the importance of cohort-based learning. The piece thoughtfully explores the potential benefits and critiques of the skills-based education movement. We recommend reading it to understand the context and implications of this approach.

It’s not one big boulder; it’s a bunch of little boulders you’re pushing up the hill.
- Michael Bettersworth
Founder at SkillsEngine & CMO/Sr. Vice Chancellor at TSTC

Read the article:

What If We Measured Learning Through Skills Gained, Not Time Spent in the Classroom? - EdSurge News
Influential institutions throw their weight behind bringing competency-based education to high school and college.