
Precision in Hiring

Streamline your recruitment process with precise skills matching and improved job-fit accuracy for candidates.

  • Efficient Matching: Streamline the recruitment process by using our skill sets and job profiles to quickly match candidates with the right job openings based on their skills.
  • Communication Enhancement: Improve communication with hiring managers by using a shared skills language, ensuring clarity in job requirements and candidate qualifications.
  • Enhanced Candidate Experience: Improve overall candidate experience during recruitment through streamlined communication and expectations management, making the process more engaging and less stressful for job seekers.

Useful Tools

  • Translate text to skills

    Convert job posts and resumes into rich skill profiles with our AI translation tool.

  • Search & browse the library

    Explore SkillsEngine’s expertly curated library of profiles, skill sets, and skills to better understand the skills needed for specific jobs.

  • Build & customize profiles

    Develop data profiles to identify the essential skills needed for targeted recruitment jobs.

  • Start with template profiles & skill sets

    Use SkillsEngine’s template profiles and skill sets as a starting point for building your own profiles.

Build with the power of SkillsEngine

Get started for free today and upgrade for advanced features and services.

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