SkillsEngine Private Beta Launch: A Milestone Moment
SkillsEngine has reached a significant milestone with the launch of our private beta phase, setting the stage for a new era of skills management.

SkillsEngine has reached a significant milestone with the launch of our private beta phase, setting the stage for a new era of skills management.
Setting the stage for a new era of skills management
This week marks a milestone for SkillsEngine. Our new platform has entered the private beta phase and with it we have officially begun our transition toward the next generation of SkillsEngine technology.
Our platform is an intuitive and powerful tool designed to help align the needs of industry and education and to connect communities through a shared understanding of skills. Built on a library of over 35,000 unique skills and refined over 15+ years of field work, this next chapter of SkillsEngine sets the stage for a new era in skills management.
Welcoming Our First Users
Where are we now? The first group from our waitlist is actively on our platform exploring and scrutinizing what we’ve built.
Over the coming weeks, we will be rolling out access to the rest of the waitlist. If you’d like to join the community, sign up here.
Feedback and insights gathered from our early members will help us shape the future of SkillsEnginge as we continue to develop new features and capabilities to serve the needs of our diverse community.
What’s Next
Although this is an important milestone for our work, this is only the beginning. In the coming weeks, months and years you can expect to see ongoing feature releases and improvements to our user experience, functionality and data.
We’re excited to be entering this next phase of development and we appreciate your support in this journey.
You can follow along and get updates by connecting with us on LinkedIn and/or checking out our website.